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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Back To School! Locker Decoration

                               Locker Decoration

In the locker aisle you'll find everything from shag carpets to wall paper and mini motion activated chandeliers. Having a great looking locker is awesome! But let's be honest, is having a shag carpet necessary? It absorbs the already nauseating smell of a locker 50+ other students have used. So for my locker I have made a checklist to help me stay on point with locker décor.

At The Store

1. Is this item helpful?
2. Does it take up more space than necessary?
3. Does the item help with organization?

When you have finished decorating your locker

1. Is your locker spacious?
2. Can you fit all of your necessities in the locker?

#1 Additional Items I Will Be Buying For My Locker

1. Command Strips
2. A Mirror
3. Dry Erase Board
4. Locker Shelf
5. Small Locker Bin
4. Dish Dryer for a Folder/Binder Organizer

Small Bin

Buying a small plastic bin from the dollar store is a great way to stay organized inside the bin put emergency items you could possibly forget! Mechanical Pencils, rubber bands, bobby pins, sunglasses, a flash drive, contact solution,  an extra USB cord for your TI calculator (If Your School Allows You To Have One)

Do you have any ideas, questions or blog requests? Your opinion matters!